中科院产业发展的战略——培植领先 扩张资本 建设基地 推进改革

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伴随二十一世纪的到来,全球经济形态正发生着一场根本性的转变,一种被世界经济界所称谓的“新经济”浪潮已经到来。科学院作为中国最高层次的综合性科学研究机构,毫无疑问是国内目前最大的一支能够有效参与这场新经济竞争的整体性力量。那么在这种形势下科学院是依旧沿循以科研为本的传统办院方针,继续主要靠享用国家财政,还是更大程度地把自己作为新经济的产业主体,成为实现国民经济增长的新生产业力量,就对科学院提出了一种新的使命感问题。从新的发展着眼,作为科技“国家队”这一阵容,科学院在当前的环境下义不容辞地要树立代表国家全面参与全球新经济竞争的使命感,要树立塑造国家新经济生长点的责任感,要树立把科学院的投入产出主动纳入产业发展考虑的国民经济意识。也正是建立在这种使命感的基础上,科学院需要重新审视和思考今后在产业发展上的思路。产业发展的导向与战略科学院首先需要从观念上转变,主观上需要打破走传统科研道路和传统办院模式的常规,而在实际行动中需要主动跨出在向产业领域介入方面的内在和外在壁垒,动员科学院整体的力量规模更大地投入到这场新经济的产业竞争。建立在这种观念的基础上,在产业发展的战略层面,科学院需要改变以往那种自发的、自下而上的、自我积累发展的和自我规范的产业发展方式,而加大 With the advent of the 21st century, the global economic situation is undergoing a fundamental change. The wave of “new economy” so called by the world economic circles has come. As the highest-level integrated scientific research institution in China, the Academy of Sciences is undoubtedly the largest force in the country that can effectively participate in this new economic competition. Under such circumstances, the Academy of Science still follows the traditional guideline of running a university for science and technology and continues to rely primarily on enjoying state finances or to a greater degree regard itself as the industrial subject of the new economy and become a new industry for the growth of the national economy Power, it raised a new sense of mission to the Academy of Sciences. From the perspective of new development, as a squad of science and technology “national team”, under the current environment, CASS must establish a sense of mission that represents the country's full participation in global new economic competition, establish a sense of responsibility in shaping the country's new economic growth point, To establish the input into the Academy of Sciences initiative to take into account the national development of industrial economy awareness. It is also based on this sense of mission, the Academy of Sciences needs to re-examine and think about future ideas in industrial development. The direction and strategy of industrial development The first need to change the concept of science, the subjective need to break the traditional scientific research and traditional mode of running the routine, and in practical action need to take the initiative to step out in the field of industry intervention in the internal and external Barriers, to mobilize the overall strength of the Academy of Sciences greater commitment to the new economy, industrial competition. On the basis of this concept, at the strategic level of industrial development, CAS needs to change its previous spontaneous, bottom-up, self-accumulation and self-regulating industrial development mode, and increase
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