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波黑内战于1992年3月爆发,迄今已3年多。这场旷日持久的战争已使20万人丧生,60多万人伤残,200多万人流离失所。3年多来,国际社会采取派兵维和、外交斡旋和经济制裁等一系列措施,北约还采取武力威胁和军事打击等手段,都未能使战争停下来。最近,波黑局势由于北约对塞族实施空袭而急剧恶化,再度引起世人的关注。 The civil war in Bosnia and Herzegovina broke out in March 1992, so far more than three years. The protracted war has left 200,000 people dead, 600,000 disabled and more than 2 million displaced. In the past three years or so, a series of measures taken by the international community such as troop deployment, diplomatic mediation and economic sanctions have not taken the war to a halt. NATO has also resorted to threats of force and military strikes. Recently, the situation in Bosnia and Herzegovina has rapidly deteriorated due to the NATO air strikes against the Serbs, which once again aroused people's attention.