领导者在社会活动中,由于处于政治旋涡的中心,难免会碰到使人尴尬的言语与行为。对一些挑衅的言行,领导既不能视而不见听而不闻,也不能恼羞成怒破口大骂。因此,研究领导者如何巧妙得体地摆脱尴尬就显得十分必要。 1.反唇相讥法。“领导角色”的行为规范要求其表现得老练持重、亲切有礼、和蔼可亲,尽量避免声色俱厉、出言不逊的情况。但这并不意味着领导人物应该逆来顺受,不能表达自己内心厌恶、愤怒的思想感情。尤其是在对方主动挑衅或存心嘲讽的情况下,抓住对方话语中的漏洞与弱点,融反驳与嘲讽于一体,反唇相讥,置对方于尴尬难堪的境地。
Leaders in the social activities, due to being at the center of the political vortex will inevitably encounter embarrassing words and behavior. For some provocative words and deeds, the leader can neither turn a blind eye or hear or turn a deaf ear to it. Therefore, it is necessary to study how leaders are clever and graceful to get rid of embarrassment. 1. Oppose ridicule The code of conduct for “leadership roles” requires that they behave in a sophisticated, cordial and amiable manner, and try to avoid situations that are superficial and reproachful. However, this does not mean that the leaders should be submissive and should not express their inner feelings of disgust and anger. Especially when the other party takes the initiative to provoke or deliberately mockery, it seizes the loopholes and weaknesses in the other’s discourse, melts refutements and mockery in one, retorts ridiculed each other and embarrasses each other in embarrassing situations.