巨龙怀抱故宫近日笔者走访了在北京的中国航空遥感服务公司。一踏进公司办公楼,正面墙上一张3米长、2米宽的北京故宫彩色俯视图首先映入眼帘。站在图前,笔者仿佛一下升上了天空,极目远眺,紫禁城全貌一览无遗,数千间各式宫室井然有序,挺拔古树星罗棋布,占地72万平方米的宫殿建设群更显雄伟壮观,宏阔瑰丽。与地面游览相比,别有一番高屋建筑的感觉。 “故宫里面还有条龙呢!”随着公司
Dragons embrace the Forbidden City The author recently visited the China Aeronautical Remote Sensing Service Company in Beijing. As soon as we stepped into the company’s office building, a three-metre-long and two-meter-wide front view of the Forbidden City of Beijing’s Forbidden City came into view. Standing in front of the map, the writer seems to be on the sky, with far-sighted views. The panoramic view of the Forbidden City is at a glance. Thousands of various types of palaces are in order, tall and straight old trees, and a building complex of 720,000 square meters is even more magnificent. Spectacular, magnificent and magnificent. Compared to the ground tour, there is a sense of high-rise building. “There is a dragon in the Imperial Palace!” With the company