为了解包机遣返偷渡人员的艾滋病、梅毒感染状况,为国境口岸出入境检验检疫传染病监测提供科学依据,对福州空港口岸1998—2000年,3244名偷渡遣返人员实施艾滋病、梅毒监测。检出 HIV 感染者2例,检出率为0.062%,检出梅毒感染者48例,检出率为1.48%。提示包机遣返人员是艾滋病、梅毒感染的高危人群,因此应加强对偷渡遣返人员的传染病监测,加强健康教育。
In order to understand the status of AIDS and syphilis infection in repatriation smuggledders in the charter flights and provide a scientific basis for the monitoring of exit and entry quarantine and infectious diseases at the border crossings, HIV and syphilis surveillance was conducted on 3244 smuggled and repatriated workers at Fuzhou Airport Port in 1998-2000. Two cases of HIV infection were detected, the detection rate was 0.062%, 48 cases were detected syphilis infection, the detection rate was 1.48%. It is suggested that the repatriated crew members of the charter flights are at high risk of AIDS and syphilis infection. Therefore, monitoring of infectious diseases on repatriation of illegal immigrants and strengthening of health education should be strengthened.