
来源 :青少年日记(教育教学研究) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhangsao
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传统的高中数学课堂由于受“应试教育”的影响,教师往往把课堂当讲堂,偏重于知识的灌输,偏重于应试能力的训练。教师长期处于主角地位,居高临下,学生往往只能处于被动学习的状态,默默地接受着教师灌输的知识。久而久之,种种不和谐现象充斥了我们的课堂。教学方法的不科学,教学过程的不合理,影响了学生全面、协调的发展,造成了课堂的不和谐。只有构建和谐、愉悦、高效的高中数学课堂,才能真正提高学生的数学思维能力,发展学生的数 The traditional high school mathematics classroom is affected by the “exam-oriented education”. Teachers often put the classroom as lectures, emphasizing the instillation of knowledge, and emphasizing the training of examination ability. Teachers are in a protagonist position for a long time. When they are in a commanding position, students are often in a state of passive learning and silently accept the instilled knowledge of teachers. Over time, all kinds of inharmonic phenomena filled our classroom. The unscientific teaching methods and the irrational teaching process have affected the students’ overall and coordinated development and caused the classroom disharmony. Only by constructing a harmonious, pleasant, and effective high school mathematics classroom can students’ mathematics thinking ability be truly improved and the number of students can be developed.
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