血总免疫球蛋白<250毫克%,且IgG<200毫克%,称为低丙种球蛋白血症。十年来,我院收治四例低丙种球蛋白血症,兹将资料较全的二例整理报告如下,并略加讨论。 病例报告 病例1,男性,13个月,浙江省人,住院号134754。因持续高热伴咳嗽半月于1972年6月25日入院。患儿系第一胎第一产,生后半年内体健。1971年11月(6个月时)因肠炎住当地医院,给予青霉素、庆大霉素、卡那霉素、杆菌肽等治疗皆无效,持
Blood total immunoglobulin <250 mg%, and IgG <200 mg%, referred to as hypogammaglobulinemia. Ten years, our hospital admitted four cases of low gamma globulin, it will be more complete data of the two cases are as follows, and a little discussion. Case Report Case 1, male, 13 months, Zhejiang Province, hospital number 134754. Due to persistent fever with cough on a half month in June 25, 1972 admission. Children born in the first birth of the first child, six months after birth, body health. November 1971 (6 months) due to enteritis live in a local hospital for penicillin, gentamicin, kanamycin, bacitracin and other treatment are invalid, with