以两家大型民营制造企业的5个部门作为样本,对研究变量进行社会网络结构分析和统计分析,实证检验了员工社会网络结构位置对组织承诺的影响,以及领导——成员交换(Leader-Member Exchange,简称LMX)的中介作用。研究发现,大领导班底和非正式领导班底比边缘人的LMX和组织承诺高;员工的LMX越高,其组织承诺就越高;LMX在员工社会网络结构位置(班底vs.边缘人)与组织承诺的关系中起完全中介作用。
Taking the five departments of two large-scale private manufacturing enterprises as samples, the social network structure analysis and statistical analysis of the research variables were carried out to empirically test the impact of employees’ social network structure position on organizational commitment and the Leader-Member Exchange Exchange, referred to as LMX) intermediary role. The study found that large leadership and informal leadership ranks higher than the marginalized LMX and organizational commitment; the higher the LMX of employees, the higher their organizational commitment; the higher the LMX’s position in the employee social network structure (group vs. marginal people) Promised relationship plays a complete intermediary role.