《儒林外史》假托明代不只是表现手法 ,而是总体构思和具体描写中有反思明史、总结明亡历史教训的用心 ,委婉曲折地表达了怀念明朝的民族主义思想感情。这在清初至清中叶汉族士人创作的小说中是较为普遍的现象
The “Buddhist Scholars” pseudo-Ming dynasty is not merely a performance technique, but an anti-Ming history in the overall conception and concrete description. It summarizes the intention of learning the lessons of history and euthanasia and euphemisily twists and turns to express the feeling of missing the Ming nationalist ideology. This is a common phenomenon in novels written by Han scholars from the early Qing Dynasty to the mid-Qing Dynasty