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4月12日夜 一个人举杯,干脆利落的一声:“打歌”,大家齐声拖长调应和“水——”!然后将杯中酒一干而尽。傣历新年的版纳,村村寨寨,大街小巷,随处都可听到这声洋溢着欢乐的“水!” 2003年4月,西双版纳建州50周年庆典,我又一次飞到版纳。晚上坐在澜沧江边的金沙滩和旧友新朋喝啤酒,吃烧烤,那种裹着各种各样的草香的味儿飘在空气里,让人上瘾。一位从未到过这里的同行,看着一桌子绿的、黄的、白的、黑的不知道名字的食物皱眉,同样的问题问许多人:“这东西好吃吗?真的好吃?”回答是一致的:“当然!版纳到外地工作的人很少,就是因为舍不得这个金沙滩。”老板端上来一盘白色的东西,那位皱眉的先生仔细一看,赶紧换了个座位,离那东西远远的,那是一盘富含营养的竹虫,刚才还在竹筒里蠕动的白色小虫子,现在已经挺着身子成了盘子里的美味。我第一次吃竹虫是在一次醉得不省人事的时候,糊里糊涂地夹了一筷子放进嘴里,一嚼,香味儿四溢,以后就喜欢上了。我到过民族地区,印象当中,少数民族在饮食上总有一些忌讳,傣族却是一个例外,在这个满世界都是纯天然的地方,人们的饮食可以随心所欲,吃的是一种创意,一种新鲜。 April 12 night toast a person altogether, crisp and loudly: “hit song”, we should delay long tune and “water -”! Then the glass of wine and do it. Dai Lunar New Year’s Banna, village Walled Village, streets, everywhere you can hear this sound filled with joy “water!” April 2003, Xishuangbanna built 50th anniversary celebration, I once again fly to Banna. Sitting at the Golden Beach near the Lancang River in the evening and the old friends of a new friend to drink beer, eat barbecue, wrapped in a variety of smell of grass smell floating in the air, addictive. A colleague who has never been to here looks at the frown of a green, yellow, white, black, unnamed food, asking many people the same question: “Is this something tasty? Really delicious ”The answer is the same:“ Of course! Banna few people to work in the field, it is because reluctant to this Golden Beach. ”The boss came up with a white thing, the frowning gentleman a closer look, and quickly changed seats Far from it, it was a plate of nutrient-rich bamboo worms. The small white bugs that had just been wriggling in the bamboo cylinder were now straining to make the dish delicious. The first time I ate bamboo worms was drunk unconscious when confusedly caught a chopsticks into his mouth, a chewing, overflowing smell of children, later on like it. I have been to ethnic areas, the impression among ethnic minorities in the diet there are always some taboo, Dai is an exception, in this world are all natural places, people’s diet can be arbitrary, eat is a creative, a Fresh species.
Q选择什么样的鞋子?我个子比较矮,怀孕前一直穿带跟的鞋子。可是怀孕后,一些当过妈妈的同事劝我要穿平跟鞋。我去买了一双,但穿上 Q What kind of shoes to choose? I am re
农历九月九日,是我国的传统节日——重阳节。又称登高节、菊花节。近年又把这一天定为老人节。 “九”为阳数。《易经》称“九”为阳爻(音摇),泛指多数,也说至高无上。例如:
随着人口进入老龄化社会,绝经后的老年妇女人数明显增多,绝经后子宫出血也已经成了妇科常见病。绝经后子宫出血的传统检查方法为诊断性刮宫术 With the population entering