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By Mr. Muhammad Iftikhar Raja, Counselor (Press and Culture) with the Embassy of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan in Beijing By Mr. Muhammad Iftikhar Raja, Counselor (Press and Culture) with the Em
Zhejiang Natural Museum has opened to the general public recently. It is a part of the West Lake Culture Square in the heart of Hangzhou downtown. Local residents are flocking to the museum to take a
Zhu Shimao rose to national fame in 1982 as he starred as the lead man in “The Herdsman”, a national film blockbuster. His reputation was further consolidated as he and comic entertainer Chen Peisi ma
Essayist He Manzi passed away on May 8, 2009 in Shanghai at the age of 90. His son-in-law said to me over the phone that He did not leave any last words. What the scholarly essayist left behind are 50
2010年2月8日上午,位于上海浦东的上海世博会标志性建筑中国馆竣工仪式在世博园核心区举行。 一座什么样外观的东道主展馆,最能代表既古老又现代的中国?这座展馆“穿”上什么颜色的“外衣”,才能体现中国深厚的文化底蕴以及亿万中国人独特的情怀?什么样的奇思妙想、精彩设计,才“配得上”展示“城市发展中的中华智慧”? 施工难度超乎想象 作为2010年上海世界博览会的东道主展馆——中国馆,经过历时2
“Impressions of Zhejiang” was held in commemoration of the 60th anniversary of the founding of diplomatic ties between China and Hungary in Hungary in May, 2009. It was a photograph exhibition, jointl
July 22, 2009 was a big day in the history of Hangzhou. On that day, the people in Hangzhou watched the whole event of the total solar eclipse. It is said that such an astronomical phenomenon occurs i
2009年下半年,中央电视台进行了大改版,国际频道《今日亚洲》与《今日关注》节目里出现了一个新面孔,她就是浙江籍的央视女主播劳春燕。 “高考状元”学新闻又学经济 劳春燕出生在诞生了鲁迅、蔡元培、秋瑾这些英杰的历史文化名城绍兴。父母当年给她取这个名字时,就是希望她能像春天的燕子一样勤奋,在理想的蓝天高高飞翔, 女儿没有辜负父母的期望,在上小学的时候,她就是一个爱学习、勤思考的好学生。上
The latest honor Dong Qing received came on July, 10, 2009. She was one of the 80 television anchor people and artists honored at the Sixth National Awards Ceremony for Best Television Workers held in
第六届中国国际动漫节即将举行 第六届中国国际动漫节将于4月28日至5月3日在杭州举行,主会场仍设在杭州(萧山)休博园。动漫节其间,以杭产动画片《魔幻仙踪》为蓝本改编的杭州首部动漫舞台剧将在杭州大剧院公演,同期举行的还有2010“美猴奖”颁奖仪式、第三届国际动漫节杭州峰会、动画片交易会、项目洽谈会、人才招聘会。除了休博园主会场外,各分会场将举办“天眼”少儿漫画大赛、酷卖街·创意市集、国际动画影片展