In order to explore the possibility of sexual reproduction of garlic under controlled conditions, from 1996 to 2004, 41 germplasm with early bolls and well-developed buds were screened from 160 garlic germplasms collected at home and abroad. (10 ± 1) ~ 10d (bending period), the buds with stems were excised and the vegetative buds (aerial bulbs) were removed. The liquid culture in the culture chamber with the relative humidity of 75% To extend the flowering time, flowering up to 76d. Mixed pollen artificial pollination of 426 flowers, of which 319 (78.6%) ovarian significantly inflated. Expand the ovary from 11 ovary and ovule-developed strains, fix the paraffin sections and observe the complete sexual embryo structure with ordinary light microscope. Select 240 expanded ovary cells in 4% ~ 12% medium of B5 + sucrose On the other hand, cultured in vitro for 47-56 days, the 53 ovary continued to enlarge and remained green, forming embryos at different developmental stages. Among them, 76 embryos were developed in 34 ovary. The whole embryos were inoculated into MS + BA0.01 ~ 0.05mg / L + NAA0.05 ~ 0.10mg / L + sucrose 40 ~ 80g / L medium and incubated for 42 ~ 47d in the same condition, Complete plantlets.