作为我国后期封建社会官方哲学——理学,它的演变和发展,有其自身的内在的发展逻辑和批判继承关系。但归根结蒂是后期封建生产关系的产物。这种特定的、占统治地位的哲学形态,具有区别于其他哲学形态以至先前儒学思维形态的特点: 一、理学是具有思辨性的儒学在中国哲学史上,具有思辨性的哲学,除玄学以外,还有佛教哲学。然而先秦、汉唐以来的儒学,却基本上不具这种思辨性。理学则是以儒家的伦理礼法思想为核心,批判地吸收玄学和佛教的思辨哲学以及道家、道教的宇宙生成、万物化生的理论,来弥补原有儒家哲学学说的粗糙、浅陋和没有严密体系的缺陷,而建立起来的精致的、思辨的、圆滑的哲学体系。
As the official philosophy-Confucianism of the late feudal society in our country, its evolution and development have their own intrinsic logic of development and the relationship of critical inheritance. But in the final analysis is the product of the post-feudal production relations. This particular and dominant philosophical form distinguishes itself from other philosophical forms and even the previous Confucianist forms of thought. First, Neo-Confucianism is a speculative Confucianism with speculative philosophy in the history of Chinese philosophy. In addition to metaphysics, There are Buddhist philosophy. However, since the Qin dynasty, Confucianism since the Han and Tang Dynasties, but basically does not have such speculation. Neo-Confucianism takes the Confucian ethics and ritual thought as the core and critically absorbs the speculative philosophy of metaphysics and Buddhism, as well as the theories of Taoism and Taoism in the universe to make everything happen, so as to make up for the rough, shallow and unsystematic system of Confucianism The flawed, but established fine, speculative, sleek philosophy system.