Autologous nerve anastomosis versus human amniotic membrane anastomosis A rheological comparison fol

来源 :中国神经再生研究(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:war3mx1017
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The sciatic nerve is biological viscoelastic solid, with stress relaxation and creep characteristics. In this study, a comparative analysis of the stress relaxation and creep characteristics of the sciatic nerve was conducted after simulating sciatic nerve injury and anastomosing with autologous nerve or human amniotic membrane. The results demonstrate that, at the 7 200-second time point, both stress reduction and strain increase in the human amniotic membrane anastomosis group were significantly greater than in the autologous nerve anastomosis group. Our findings indicate that human amniotic membrane anastomosis for sciatic nerve injury has excellent rheological characteristics and is conducive to regeneration of the injured nerve.
通过工作实践 ,利用两种木材高温干燥加工设备 ,对木材进行热处理试验 ,解决了偏僻北方林区木材调运检疫除害灭虫的难题 ,取得了很好的经济、生态和社会效益。 Through work
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