A quantitative analysis of oculomotor function was performed in 100 normal people, 56 Meniere’s disease cases, 53 sudden abdomen cases, and 20 acoustic neuroma subgroups. It was found that saccades, tracking, and optokinetic complications in the acoustic neuroma group included reduced glaucing accuracy and execution. The index became smaller, the tracking eye speed and gain decreased, the degree of resonance distortion increased, and the rate and gain of the slow eye movement were significantly decreased; the abnormal rates were 65%, 95%, and 85%, respectively (other groups were in the normal range); The qualitative analysis group of 48 cases of acoustic neuroma in the eye movement function was set to 27%, 68% and 57%, suggesting that the abnormal detection rate of quantitative analysis was significantly improved, and saccadic and optokinetic abnormalities could still provide information on the lesion side.