在许多行业 ,例如通信、特种光源、直流调速、电影放映等方面 ,都需要几十安培至上千安培直流电流的大功率低压直流稳流或稳压电源。以往生产的大电流低压稳压或稳流电源大部分采用调流变压器进行电流调节 ,大功率二极管进行整流的设计方案。这种调流方式由于采用调流变压器 ,
In many industries, such as communications, special light sources, DC speed control, movie projection and so on, all require tens of amperes to thousands of amperes of DC current high-power low-voltage DC steady flow or power supply. The past production of high-current low-voltage regulator or steady current power supply most of the current transformer using current regulation, high-power diode rectifier design. This transfer method due to the use of transfer transformers,