捷达算是国轿队伍中倡导驾驶乐趣的先驱;而作为捷达后代的宝来,众望所归,不仅继承了前辈的优良传统,更是在性能上全面提升,四门运动轿车的风范显露无遗。 宝来与捷达之间有着难以割舍的渊源。1979年大众捷达在德国问世;并一直生产了12个年头,直到1992年才被V
Jetta is regarded as a pioneer in the promotion of driving pleasure among the national sedan teams. As the Porsche Jetta’s future successors, Jeto is not only inheriting the fine traditions of its predecessors, but also enhancing its performance in an all-round way. The demeanor of the four-door sports sedan is revealed. Polaris and Jetta have a hard time giving up. Volkswagen Jetta came out in Germany in 1979; and has been produced for 12 years until 1992 was V