我最近读了两本革命回忆录,都是讲红西路军远征新疆事迹的,作者是当时四方面军三十军付军长程世才和三十军政治部主任李天焕同志。正如书名所揭示的,在这两本书里所记述的这支红军队伍的远征,真是一个“悲壮的历程”,而他们的英勇战斗,也确是“气壮山河”。 1936年秋,党中央和毛主席率领的中央红军已胜利结束长征,到达陕北一年之久,一方面军与陕北红军、红二五军先后会合在陕甘宁边区,二、四方面军也已并肩跨过草地,进入甘肃南部,二方面军并且正向固原靠拢.
Recently, I read two memoirs of the revolution, all about the deeds of expedition of the Red Route Army to Xinjiang. Comrade Li Tianhuan, commander of the Thirty Army’s political department, was commander of the 30th Army’s military commander. As the title suggests, the expeditions of the Red Army troops described in these two books are indeed a “tragic course,” and their bravery and fighting are indeed “great and powerful.” In the autumn of 1936, the Central Red Army led by the Central Party Committee and Chairman Mao had successfully concluded the Long March and reached a year in northern Shaanxi. On the one hand, the first and second Red Army and Red Army of the Red Army met one after another at the Shensi-Kansu-Ningsia Border Region and the Second and Fourth Armies Has been side by side across the lawn, into southern Gansu, the Second Front Army and is moving closer to the solid original.