The UK law referred to the extension of statute of limitations as “the exclusion of limitation” and applies only to requests for personal injury. Aging of the exclusion of the judgment criteria for the application of prescription Avoidance of the adverse and timeliness of the defendant against the plaintiff, the defendant is not unfavorable refers to the defendant lost the defense of the rights of the adverse endurance itself, but refers to the period of time after the defendant entity The negative impact of the law defense. Statutory considerations in the application of the exclusionary right include the time and reason why the plaintiff postponed the prosecution, the weakening of the evidence due to deferral of the prosecution, and the related acts of the original defendant. For the exercise of the limitation of imprisonment, both statutory and appellate courts find it difficult to impose restrictions and restrictions. The fair treatment brought by the prolongation of the lawsuit to a very few claimants is at the expense of the uncertainty that has created the entire legal relationship.