【摘 要】
Q I am
【机 构】
Q I am now pregnant for 22 weeks + 2 days. I am more than 5 o’clock this morning and I suddenly feel the bursts of stomachache with nausea and vomiting. This is why? What should I do? A late pregnancy later, the uterus increases month by month pressure stomach, hormone changes,
We prove the rationality and the $C_2$-cofinitenss of all minimal series W-algebras associated with simple Lie algebras and their principal nilpotent elemen
In any rational chiral CFT with a non-trivial simple current,we construct a finite group acting on the corresponding conformal blocks.Our groups are general
The rank four renormalizable tensor field theory over U(1)^4 generating simplicial pseudo-manifold in four 4d will be reviewed.Furthermore,the beta function
2.纯培养中的营养需要:由于已在纯培养中生长的地下真菌非常稀少,因此对其营养需要很不了解。Boulanger(1903)描述了一种不寻常的菌丝体,他声称是块菌 Tuber 的菌丝体,但没
根据美空军轰炸机规划 ,易受攻击的B -52H轰炸机将再次改进 ,以使飞机在 40多年的服役期间运转正常。现正进行的改进包括多任务计算机 ,近期宣布的改进包括电子支援措施(ESM) ,雷
在接入网的建设中 ,按照光纤尽量靠近用户的规则 ,发展以光纤接入网为主的原则 ,在我国已建成了10 0 0多万线的光纤接入网 ,实现了光纤到路边、光纤到办公楼、光纤到居民小区
We discuss an interpretation of a simple SUSY matrix model with a double-well potential as two-dimensional type IIA superstrings on a nontrivial RR backgrou
The expression for the free energy of arbitrary static distribution of wedge dislocations is proposed.In the framework of geometric theory of defects,the fr