专家系统的广泛应用,迫切需要较完善的知识库维护方法。本文讨论了Horn短句知识库协调性维护的有关问题,并借助于归结原理和Kowalski元谓词demo的概念,提出了一种可用于专家系统知识获取过程的知识库协调性维护的方法。该方法已在IBM PC/XT上用PROLOG语言实现。
The extensive application of expert system urgently needs a more complete knowledge base maintenance method. This paper discusses the problems related to Horn short-sentence knowledge base coordination maintenance. By means of the principle of summary and the concept of Kowalski metaclass demo, a method of knowledge base coordination maintenance for knowledge system of expert system is proposed. This method has been implemented in the PROLOG language on IBM PC / XT.