20 0 3年 5月下旬 ,俄罗斯的圣彼得堡市在迎来建城 30 0周年之际 ,聚集了全世界的目光 :全球 4 5个国家的国家元首或政府首脑应邀齐聚圣彼得堡 ,出席圣彼得堡自建城以来的第三个百年庆典。圣彼得堡始建于 1 70 3年。它坐落在波罗的海的芬兰湾东岸的涅瓦河口。昔日 ,那里曾是一
In late May 2003, the city of St. Petersburg in Russia brought together the world’s eyes on the 30th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China. Heads of state or government of 45 countries around the world gathered in St. Petersburg to attend the self-built city of St. Petersburg Since the third centenary celebration. St. Petersburg was founded in 1703. It is located on the mouth of the Neva on the Baltic Sea’s east coast. In the past, there was one