中國數学会学習苏联和各人民民主國家的先進經驗,得到高等教育部、教育部的同意,决定1956年在北京和若干市重點試办數学競赛。中國數学会已經成立了數学競赛委员会,推选華罗庚、傅种孫、段学復等12人为委员。 數学競赛是一种業餘的学術性活動,競赛目的在於激發青年学生学習数学的兴趣,提高他們独立思考的能力。中國數学会这次举办的競赛将吸收中学高年級学生参加,他们可以根据數学競赛委员会编印的“問題集”中的數学题目,先测驗自己的數学
The Chinese Mathematical Society will learn the advanced experience of the Soviet Union and people’s democratic countries. With the approval of the Ministry of Higher Education and the Ministry of Education, it is decided that the mathematics competition will be piloted in Beijing and several cities in 1956. The Mathematical Society of China has established the Mathematics Competition Committee and selected 12 members including Hua Luogeng, Fu Sunsun and Duan Xuefu. The mathematical competition is an amateur academic activity. The purpose of the competition is to stimulate young students’ interest in learning mathematics and improve their ability to think independently. The competition organized by the Chinese Mathematical Society will attract high school senior students to participate. They can test their maths first according to the mathematical topics in the “question set” compiled by the Mathematics Competition Committee.