
来源 :特种铸造及有色合金 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:teamster
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一、前言 台湾的脱蜡铸造数十年来每家公司都付出了相当多的辛苦、智慧与经费。产品的定向,从早期的手工具、高尔夫球杆头(初级品)、马具、船用五金至现在的自行车零件、医疗器材、阀体、纺织机械零件、螺旋浆、飞机零件等, I. Preface Taiwan’s dewaxing casting has paid a considerable amount of hard work, wisdom and funding for every company for decades. Products from the early hand tools, golf club head (primary products), harness, marine hardware to the current bike parts, medical equipment, body, textile machinery parts, propeller, aircraft parts, etc.,