目的 :通过对肾综合征出血热 (HFRS)疫情监测 ,研究其发病特点和流行规律 ,制定防制策略。方法 :按照全国HFRS监测方案 ,定期对监测点实施鼠情监测 ,同时收集分析监测区疫情资料。结果 :1996~ 2 0 0 0年年均发病率为 0 .5 1/ 10万 ,与 1990年相比 ,发病率下降了 13倍 ,病死率下降了 2 5 .6 1%。疫情呈低发病、高病死特点。洪涝灾害可使疫源地传染强度增大。结论 :实施长期、连续监测 ,掌握疫情变化的特点和规律 ,制定有效的控制策略 ,是防制HFRS重要的、行之有效的手段。
OBJECTIVE: To monitor the epidemic situation of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS), study the characteristics and prevalence of HFRS and formulate the control strategy. Methods: According to the national HFRS monitoring program, the monitoring points were regularly monitored and the epidemic data of the monitoring area were collected and analyzed. Results: The average annual incidence rate from 1996 to 2000 was 0.51 / 100,000. Compared with 1990, the incidence decreased by 13 times and the mortality rate decreased by 25.61%. The outbreak was low incidence, high mortality characteristics. Flooding can increase the intensity of infection in foci. Conclusion: Implementing long-term and continuous monitoring, grasping the characteristics and laws of epidemic situation changes and formulating effective control strategies are important and effective measures to prevent HFRS.