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1987年第9期《档案工作》上登了一篇署名丁骏的文章,题目是《“笔”——六朝时文书之总称》。文章大约是想说明在我国的六朝时代,文书是属于“笔”这种文体,其立意应当说是好的,也颇近当时的实际;然而其行文中却有不详、不尽或不确的地方。一、该文的标题说“笔”是六朝的文书之总称,而正文一开头又说“笔”是六朝时文书与政论文的总称,自相矛盾。在六朝时期的文体中,文书属于“笔”类是不错的,政论文属于“笔”类也是不错的,但不能说“笔”就是文书或政论文的总称,也不能说就是文书和政论文的总称。因为当时“笔”所包括的内容,说法并不一致:颜延之认为传记是笔,专著的一部分也是笔(参见复旦大学中文系古典文学教研组《中国文学批评史》上册第121页);范晔把《后汉书》中的序论称之为笔;而刘勰则除史传之外,还把诸子文章也列入了笔的范畴。其中的传记(史传)和诸子文章就显然不是什么文书,也不能说就是或都是政论文章,怎么能执其一端,断言“笔”就是当时文书的总称,又怎么能笼而统之地说“笔”就是当时文书和政论文的总称呢? In 1987, No. 9 “Archives Work” published an article entitled Ding Jun’s article titled “” Pen “- the general term of the Six Dynasties period. The article is about trying to show that in the six dynasties of our country the instruments belonged to the style of ”pen“, and its conception should be said to be good and fairly recent. However, there was an unknown, inexact or imprecise local. First, the title of the article says that ”pen“ is the collective name of the six-nation document, and at the very beginning of the text ”pen“ is the general term for clerical and political essays in the Six Dynasties. In the literary style of the Six Dynasties, it is not bad to have the instruments belong to the ”pen“ class. Political essays belong to the ”pen“ class is also good, but can not say ”pen“ is the general term of instruments or political papers, nor can it be literary and political papers The general term. Because at that time ”pen“ includes the content is not consistent: Yan Yanzhi that the biography is a pen, the pen is a part of the pen (see Fudan University Department of Chinese classical literature teaching and research group ”history of Chinese literary criticism,“ p. 121); Fan Ye ” Later Han book “in the preface called pen; and Liu Xie is in addition to the biography, but also to include all the articles of the pen category. One of the biographies (historical biography) and philosophers’ articles is clearly not an instrument, nor can it be said to be or is a political essay. How can one end up with it and assert that ”pen“ is the general name of the instrument at that time and how can it be unified? To say ”pen" is the general term for instruments and political papers?