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高考命题是以基础知识为载体,注重对学生基本能力的考查,所以夯实基础是复习的关键。如果把课本里一些经典题目结合高考题讲解分析给学生更好。课堂是我们提高教学质量的主阵地,课堂教学的效果在很大程度上决定教学质量的高低。充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,把学生的潜能更好地挖掘出来,才能达到最佳的复习效果。做到让每个学生都不放弃数学,对数学充满信心,在高考中各得其所。 The college entrance examination proposition is based on the basic knowledge as a carrier, focusing on the examination of students’ basic abilities, so to consolidate the foundation is the key to reviewing. If the textbook in some classic topics combined with the college entrance examination to explain to students better. Classroom is the main front for us to improve teaching quality. The effect of classroom teaching largely determines the quality of teaching. Fully mobilize the enthusiasm and initiative of students learning to better tap the potential of students in order to achieve the best review results. So that each student does not give up mathematics, full of confidence in mathematics, in the college entrance exam each place.