In the normal product market, we introduce the key parameters that affect the innovation of enterprises, such as product heterogeneity, R & D spillover, and enterprise absorptive capacity. We use the inverse regression inductive method commonly used in non-cooperative game to examine the R & D results to determine the cost-reducing technology innovation enterprises Bargaining ability of the licensing mechanism and the impact of the size of the allowable benefits; under the condition of this model, the two-part license is compared with the fixed-fee license and the production license. The conclusion of the study shows that the profits of in-position innovative enterprises increase with the increase of their bargaining power under the license of fixed fee, and their profitability is not affected by the bargaining power under the production license and the two-part licensing system. But its bargaining power contributes to the choice of licensing mechanism. Regardless of the degree of actual innovation and product heterogeneity, the optimal licensing mechanism is always a two-part license and compared to the non-permitted one, the two-part license is always Optimal; Ongoing innovations overestimated the degree of innovation, oversight costs and incomplete bargaining ability may be the reason for the coexistence of other licensing mechanisms in reality.