Construction and characterization of calreticulin-HBsAg fusion gene recombinant adenovirus expressio

来源 :World Journal of Gastroenterology | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:guo20
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AIM: To generate recombinant adenoviral vector con-taining calreticulin (CRT)-hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) fusion gene for developing a safe, effective and HBsAg-specific therapeutic vaccine.METHODS: CRT and HBsAg gene were fused using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), endonuclease diges-tion and ligation methods. The fusion gene was cloned into pENTR/D-TOPO transfer vector after the base pairs of DNA (CACC) sequence was added to the 5′ end. Adenoviral expression vector containing CRT-HBsAg fusion gene was constructed by homologous recombinan-tion. The human embryo kidney (HEK) 293A cells were transfected with linearized DNA plasmid of the recombi-nant adenoviral vector to package and amplify recombi-nant adenovirus. The recombinant adenovirus titer was characterized using the end-dilution assay. The expres-sion of the CRT/HBsAg fusion protein in Ad-CRT/HBsAg infected 293A cells was detected by Western blotting.RESULTS: The CRT-HBsAg fusion gene was char-acterized by PCR and sequencing and its length and sequence were confirmed to be accurate. The CRT-HB-sAg fusion gene recombinant pENTR/D-TOPO transfer vector was constructed. The recombinant adenoviral vector, Ad-CRT/HBsAg, was generated successfully. The titer of Ad-CRT/HBsAg was characterized as 3.9 × 1011 pfu/mL. The CRT-HBsAg fusion protein was ex-pressed by HEK 293A cells correctly. CONCLUSION: CRT/HBsAg fusion gene recombinant replication-defective adenovirus expression vector is constructed successfully and this study has provided an experimental basis for further studies of Hepatitis B vi-rus gene therapy. AIM: To generate recombinant adenoviral vector con-taining calreticulin (CRT) -hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg) fusion gene for developing a safe, effective and HBsAg-specific therapeutic vaccine. METHODS: CRT and HBsAg gene were fused using polymerase chain reaction PCR), endonuclease diges- tion and ligation methods. The fusion gene was cloned into pENTR / D-TOPO transfer vector after the base pairs of DNA (CACC) sequence was added to the 5 ’end. Adenoviral expression vector containing CRT-HBsAg fusion gene was constructed by homologous recombinan- tion. The human embryo kidney (HEK) 293A cells were transfected with linearized DNA plasmid of the recombi-nant adenoviral vector to package and amplify recombi-nant adenovirus. The recombinant adenovirus titer was characterized using the end- dilution assay. The expres-sion of the CRT / HBsAg fusion protein in Ad-CRT / HBsAg infected 293A cells was detected by Western blotting .RESULTS: The CRT-HBsAg fusion gene was char-acterized by PCR and se The recombinant adenoviral vector, Ad-CRT / HBsAg, was generated successfully. The titer of Ad The CRT-HBsAg fusion protein was ex-pressed by HEK 293A cells correctly. CONCLUSION: CRT / HBsAg fusion gene recombinant replication-defective adenovirus expression vector is constructed successfully and this study has provided an experimental basis for further studies of Hepatitis B vi-rus gene therapy.
五月,是罗苏的落寞季节。当主管因为她写错一组数据大声呵斥她时,她只是冷静地抱着属于她的纸箱子抬头说不干了。这句话其实有很多次要脱口而出,只是她一直逼自己忍着。一个女人,形单影只,在这个快节奏的都市,想寻求一点庇护和温暖都很困难。无论如何,她应该学着忍。忍,很痛。那时那刻,她体会到了杨林对她忍让的痛。    杨林,一个五官平常、说话紧张到结巴的男人,在罗苏眼里毫无吸引力。但她选择跟他在一起,因为他在
他出差三天。  她说:“我今天当了回女汉子,单位的打印机没墨了,事情又急,大下雨天,我一大早在外面去找取墨盒的地方,全身湿透了。”  她说:“咨询客服查不到电话,只给了个地址,我让司机开车来拿,结果遇到修路,我自己来回走了20分钟。”  她说:“去了,墨盒弄丢了,本来一个人帮我找,后来我真的火了,六个人帮我找,终于找到了。”  她还说:“我已经被弄疯了,以致跑到马路上,我居然把红灯当成了绿灯,一路
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浙江省温州市政府提出了以政府信息化、企业信息化、社区信息化为突破口,努力建设“数字温州”,把企业信息化建設作为“数字温州建设规划纲要”的三大建设体系之一,扶植一大批省、市企业信息化建设试点(示范)企业。为了了解这些企业信息化建设的现状和实施的效果,2005年6月,笔者对温州的企业信息化建设试点(示范)企业进行了调查。    1 样本分布情况    本次调研选择温州200多家企业信息化的试点(示范
相识四年恋爱四年,八年的时间,耗去了一个女人最美好的时光。只是一提到结婚,他就像泄了气的皮球,一句话都不说。的确,虽然感情基础稳定,但经济基础却是那样不堪一击。  家人三番五次让我与他分手,可是一想到要离开他,我的心就开始隐隐作痛。我是那样爱他,他也是那样爱我,一想到有朝一日,有可能面临分手的结局,我的心都快碎了。  终于母亲发了狠话,她说:“一年内如果结不了婚,那就跟他分手,天底下好男人多得是,
按全角变化率评定井身质量时,即使所用公式是正确的, 在有些特殊情况下仍需进行认真地分析研究,否则有时可能会得出错误的结果来本文就执行原石油部SY5088-85关于评定井身质