患男,28岁,因午后发热伴咳嗽1周于1990年9月入院。入院后诊为左侧渗出性胸膜炎,抽胸水1500ml,口服利福定0.15/d、雷米封0.3/d(?)体温于入院后第8d 降至正常。于服药第30d 出现畏寒,体温38.5~40.2℃,持续半月余,并于发热第3d 出现全身皮肤弥漫性充血性斑丘疹,轻度发痒,伴恶心、呕吐、上腹部持续性疼痛,对症治疗不缓解。胃镜检查示:胃体及胃窦部弥漫性鲜红色粘膜疹,胃粘膜充血、水肿。病理报告为浅表出血性胃炎。尿蛋白(+++)、红细胞(+)、白细胞(++),隔日复查正常。胸片示左肋膈角稍钝,肺部无结核灶,无胸
Suffering from men, 28 years old, due to afternoon fever with cough for 1 week in September 1990 admitted. Admitted to the hospital after the diagnosis of exudative pleurisy on the left, pleural effusion 1500ml, oral rifadin 0.15 / d, Remy pack 0.3 / d (?) Body temperature at 8d after admission to normal. On the 30th day after treatment, chills occurred. The body temperature was 38.5-40.2 ℃ and continued for more than half a month. On the 3rd day after fever, systemic congestive rash, mild itching, nausea and vomiting, persistent pain in upper abdomen and symptomatic Treatment does not ease. Gastroscopy showed: the body and gastric diffuse bright red mucosal rash, gastric mucosal congestion, edema. Pathological report of superficial hemorrhagic gastritis. Urinary protein (+++), erythrocytes (+), leukocytes (++), normal every other day. Chest radiograph showed a slight blunt left corner of the diaphragm, lung no tuberculosis, no chest