对高重复率低能量飞秒(fs)脉冲激光和静态氩气相互作用下产生相位匹配高次谐波进行了实验研究. 在重复频率为1 kHz单脉冲能量为0.55mJ的商品化全固化飞秒激光系统上获得了相位匹配27次谐波. 这是迄今为止在静态气体盒子内获得相位匹配27次谐波所用的最低激光脉冲能量. 对不同氩气气压下的高次谐波强度变化进行了研究. 分析了高次谐波光谱的蓝移和展宽. 并且对高次谐波的源尺寸和强度空间分布进行了分析, 发现相位匹配高次谐波的源尺寸和强度空间分布与非相位匹配情况截然不同.
The phase-matched high harmonics generated by the interaction of high repetition rate low energy femtosecond (fs) pulsed laser with static argon were investigated experimentally.A commercially available fully cured flywheel with a single pulse energy of 0.55 mJ at a repetition rate of 1 kHz Sec laser system obtained phase matching 27th harmonic.This is by far in the static gas box to obtain the phase matching 27th harmonic laser pulse energy used for the same under different argon pressure higher harmonic intensity changes Studied the blue shift and broadening of higher harmonic spectra, and analyzed the source size and intensity spatial distribution of higher harmonics, and found that the source size and intensity of the phase-matched high-order harmonics are distributed with the non-phase Matching situation is very different.