1.整地施肥由于生姜喜欢大肥大水,所以选择具有水浇条件和土质较好的地块,播种前1个月把选好的土地耕好耙平,然后挖好姜沟,沟深10厘米,沟与沟之间的距离是70厘米。在沟内施上发酵好的土杂肥、混合肥,再覆土填平。 2.催生姜芽 2月上、中旬把姜种从窖中取出,先晾晒4天,把大块姜掰成小块,在25℃的地方堆放
1. Land preparation and fertilization Because ginger like big fat and big water, so choose to have a good water conditions and soil mass plots, a month before sowing the selected land cultivated rake flat, and then dug ginger ditch, ditch deep 10 Cm, the distance between the groove and the groove is 70 cm. In the ditch on the fermentation of good Tuza Fei, mixed fertilizer, and then fill the soil fill. 2. Birth ginger buds in February, the middle of the ginger species removed from the cellar, first drying for 4 days, the large ginger breaking into small pieces, stacked at 25 ℃ place