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“兴趣是最好的老师。”这是一个古老的话题,也是人人皆知的真理。可是,学校如何培养学生的兴趣,是我们教育者历来探讨的永恒命题。我认为,学校要结合时代发展,因地制宜的培养学生的兴趣,促进学生全面健康成长。一、营造浓厚的学校兴趣氛围营造别具一格的、字体各异的校名氛围。学校是传播文明知识的场所,我们现在的校名都是千篇一律打印的“电脑”体,失去创造性,学生看过以后大脑里不会留下深刻的印象,在进入学校的第一时间就麻木了,可以请名人画家题字、校内教师自己题写、甚至是学生书写的稚嫩的字体,体现出一所学校的风格,吸引学生的兴趣,同时也表现出一种浓浓的文化氛 “Interest is the best teacher. ” This is an old topic, but also the truth known to all. However, how schools cultivate students’ interest is an eternal proposition that our educators have traditionally studied. In my opinion, the school should combine the development of the times, develop the interest of students according to the local conditions, and promote the students’ comprehensive and healthy growth. First, to create a strong atmosphere of school interest to create a unique, different font school atmosphere. The school is a place for disseminating knowledge of civilization. Our current school names are all printed “computer” bodies, which lose their creativity. After the students read it, they will not be impressed in their minds. The first time they enter the school, Numb, you can ask celebrity painter inscriptions, teachers inscribe their own school, and even the young students to write the font, reflecting the style of a school to attract students’ interest, but also demonstrated a thick culture