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锚杆挡墙是铁路路基支挡工程中的一种新型结构型式,在我国山区铁路修建中,沿线山高坡陡,地形地质复杂,岩层破碎,在这样的崇山峻岭中通过铁路,不但要有桥梁接通天堑,有隧道穿越山岭,还要有大量深挖、高填的路基工程为全线接通铺平道路。挡墙就是铁路路基中广泛应用的一种支挡工程建筑,它可以收缩路堤坡脚减少填方;在路堑中、山坡上、隧道洞口和桥梁岸墙等处支挡边坡,以减少挖方并防止边坡滑坍和河流冲刷。因此,当火车飞驰在祖国的大地或盘旋在巍峨山岭时,大家可以平稳而安全地坐在列车内,尽情地欣赏壮丽的锦绣河山,赞扬工人阶级所创造的人定胜天的奇迹。 Anchor Retaining Wall is a new type of structure in railway embankment support project. During the construction of mountain railway in our country, there are steep mountain slopes along the route, the terrain is complex and the rock formations are broken. In such a mountainous area, there is not only a bridge Through moat, a tunnel through the mountains, but also a large number of deep digging, high fill of the roadbed to pave the way for all connected. Retaining wall is a kind of support engineering widely used in railway subgrade. It can reduce the foot of embankment and reduce the filling. Support the slope in the cutting, hillside, tunnel entrance and bridge wall so as to reduce excavation Prevent skidding and river erosion. Therefore, when the train runs fast on the earth of the motherland or hovering in the majestic mountains, everyone can sit in the train smoothly and safely, admiring the magnificent splendid rivers and mountains and praising the miracles that the working class has created.