Male patient, 20 years old. On May 24, 1988 playing volleyball jump spike (then legs slightly apart) moved too far when the whereabouts of the Department of pain that the Ministry of scrotum, did not mind at that time. Scrotum swelling two days later, to the hospital. Physical examination: swelling of the scrotum, such as fist size, to the left as the heavy, tenderness significantly. Left testis, epididymis are palpable. Usually healthy. 142,000 / mm ~ 3 platelets, bleeding time 1 minute, clotting time 2 minutes. To be diagnosed as shock injury caused by scrotal hematoma. Given to the network of blood, Yunnanbaiyao, acetylspiramycin, and scrotum care and other treatment. Pain disappeared after 10 days, scrotum swelling also subsided, testicular palpable, attached to the left