If you asked people today why theyused the telephone to communicatewith their friends or why theyturned to the television for entertainment,they would look at you as if you were crazy.We don’t think about a telephone or a tele-vision or a car as being oddities. Thesethings have become such an integral part oflife that they are no longer noticed, let aloneremarked upon. In the same way, within a decade noone will notice the Web. It will just bethere, an integral part of life. It will be a
If you asked the people today why they used the telephone to communicate with their friends or why they have been to the television for entertainment, they would look at you as if you were crazy. We do not think about a telephone or a tele-vision or a car as It will be just such an integral part of life. These will have just such an integral part of life that they are no longer noticed, let alone remarked upon. In the same way, within a decade noone will notice the Web. It will just bethere, an integral part of life. a