Pregnant women 36 years old, G1P0, early pregnancy (7 weeks) ultrasound diagnosis of single chorionic twins. The pregnant woman infertility for 8 years, this pregnancy for in vitro fertilization - embryo transfer (IVF), a total of two fertilized eggs. The second ultrasonography (11 weeks) was found to be a single chorionic double amniotic sac with three births. Left anterior amniotic sac is a normal fetus (Tire 1, the top of the hip length 46mm); the right amniotic sac contains a normal fetus (Tire 2, the top rump 42mm) and a suspected fetal death (Tire 3, top Buttock length 16mm, no fetal heart rate fetal movement). Tire 1 and 2 can be seen between Membrane diaphragm, bilateral