长期以来 ,由于心理学家对智力与人格概念理解的矛盾与模糊性 ,使得智力与人格发展关系的研究也呈现出类似的特征 ,一方面 ,有的研究认为 ,二者的发展具有同质性 ,另一方面 ,有的研究却认为二者并不具有简单的对应关系。新近在这一领域出现了一种智力与人格发展合璧的双锥体理论 ,认为人格发展与智力一般因素的发展相互伴随 ,智力的发展决定人格发展的水平 ,一个人的人格特点是由其智力一般因素的发展水平所决定的。这个理论对传统的把智力与个性作为两种不同的心理现象的观点 ,以及认为个性中的一些因素构成了智力发展的内驱力的观点是一个挑战 ,它给我们很大的启示
For a long time, due to the contradiction and vagueness of psychologists’ understanding of the concepts of intelligence and personality, the research on the relationship between intelligence and personality development also shows similar characteristics. On the one hand, some studies suggest that the two have a homogeneous development On the other hand, some studies think that the two do not have a simple correspondence. Recently, there appeared a double-cone theory combining the development of intelligence and personality in this field. It is believed that the development of personality and the development of general factors of intelligence accompany each other. The development of intelligence determines the level of personality development. A person’s personality is characterized by his intelligence The general level of development of the level of the decision. This theory of the traditional wisdom and personality as two different psychological phenomena point of view, and that some of the personality elements constitute the driving force of intellectual development of the point of view is a challenge, it gives us a lot of inspiration