
来源 :新课程(教育学术) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:obzz
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新课程要求教师由传统的知识传授者转变为学生学习的组织者、引导者和参与者。组织学生发现、寻找、搜集和利用学习资源,建立人道的、和谐的、民主的、平等的师生关系,让学生在平等、尊重、信任、理解和宽容的氛围中受到激励和鼓舞;引导学生设计恰当的学习活动,激活进一步探究所需要的先前经验,以实现课程资源价值的超水平发挥;在教学的过程中与学生平等地参与教学,在参与中与学生分享自己的感情与认识,一道寻找真理,勇敢地承认自己的过失与错误。 The new curriculum requires that teachers be transformed from traditional knowledge transferors to organizers, leads and participants in student learning. Organize students to find, find, collect and use learning resources and establish a humane, harmonious, democratic and equal relationship between teachers and students so that students can be encouraged and inspired by the atmosphere of equality, respect, trust, understanding and tolerance; guide students Design appropriate learning activities to activate the previous experience needed for further exploration in order to achieve the ultimate level of value of the curriculum resources. Participate in teaching with students on an equal footing during teaching and share their feelings and understanding with the students during their participation. Find the truth, bravely admit their own fault and error.
摘要:全文首先介绍了初中几何探究式教学及特征,然后从两个方面阐述了如何在初中几何教学中引入探究教学法:用多种思维法解决几何问题;创设情景,用探究法逐步深入解决实际问题。  关键词:初中几何 探究式教学 创造性思维    平面几何教学是初中教学中的难点,同时也是学生数学能力发展的关键转折点。在教学中如果让学生进行自主学习和探究活动,有利于培养他们的空间能力,体验数学发现和创造的历程。  一、初中几何