3.2.3 HFC网络光节点的划分及接入设备的选择 光节点的大小,在不同地区HFC网络建设时,就已确定。对原来网络进行双向改造时,提出将光节点改小或要求光节点按星型等距离范围分布都将给网络的改造带来不方便。最重要的是抛弃“必须全面双向改造到户”的概念,要采用适合的接入设备,采用综合改造的方法,在原有网络的基础上实现增值。要以改造快捷、经济及可靠为原则。当然,在条件成熟时,应对光节点加以改造。
3.2.3 HFC network optical node division and access equipment selection Optical node size, in different regions HFC network construction, has been identified. In the original transformation of the network two-way, it is proposed to change the optical nodes smaller or require optical nodes equally distributed by the star range will bring inconvenience to the transformation of the network. The most important thing is to abandon the concept of “a comprehensive and two-way transformation to the household”. We must adopt a suitable access equipment and adopt a comprehensive renovation to realize value-added on the basis of the existing network. To reform fast, economical and reliable as the principle. Of course, when the conditions are ripe, the optical nodes should be modified.