使用人血浆免疫球蛋白(Ig)防治某些疾病已有多年历史,由于只能肌肉注射给药,达到有效血浓度慢,用量不能过大,用药次数不能过多,以致有些病儿如有出血倾向者和瘦弱儿童不能使用。自从可供静脉注射的免疫球蛋白(IVIG)问世以来,许多小儿疾病得到了较满意的治疗,目前在美国已广泛应用。现结合国内外有关文献作一综述。 1 Ig的分类目前国内外生产的Ig按来源分为胎盘血丙种球蛋白(丙球)和人血丙球,前者以健康人的胎盘血和胎
The use of human plasma immunoglobulin (Ig) prevention and treatment of certain diseases has many years of history, due to intramuscular injection only, to achieve effective blood concentration is slow, the amount can not be too large, the number of drugs can not be too much, so that some children who have bleeding Tenants and thin children can not be used. Since the advent of intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), many pediatric diseases have been treated satisfactorily and are now widely used in the United States. Now combined with relevant literature at home and abroad to make a review. 1 Ig classification At present, the production of Ig at home and abroad according to the source is divided into placental blood gamma globulin (C) and human blood ball, the former healthy human placenta and fetal