初中作业题目难度大,量也不少。试想,当好友向你伸出“借阅”作业之手时,你该如何应对?下面有几个理由,可供参考。理由一:窦娥之冤,无心攀比现在你抄了我的作业,的确可解一时之难,可以后呢?难道我天天做好作业等你“借阅”不成?先不论此事是否符合逻辑,从长远考虑,小小年纪便养成抄作业之陋习,实在愧对你的父母双亲。何况,你成绩那么优秀,我在你面前不得不含恨甘拜下风,假若你我作业完全一样,老师必然认定是我抄你的作业, 那我岂不比窦娥还冤?
The junior high school assignments are difficult and have a lot of questions. Imagine how you should cope when a friend reaches out to you for a loan. There are several reasons below for reference. Reason 1: Sinus’s embarrassment, inadvertently climbing than you are now copying my homework, it is indeed difficult to solve, can you? Do I do my homework every day so that you can not “borrow”? Regardless of whether the matter is logical or not, in the long-term, young people will develop the habit of copying assignments, and it will be true for your parents. What’s more, your grades are so outstanding that I must not hate you in front of you. If you and I do the same job, the teacher must be sure that I copied your homework.