采集2011年10月至2015年9月,宁波市眼科医院门诊收治的434例过敏性结膜炎患儿,采用免疫印迹法(immunoblotting test,IBT)对434例患儿进行过敏原检测。对宁波地区过敏性结膜炎患儿进行过敏原检测及分析,筛查儿童过敏性结膜炎常见过敏原,分析其分布和年龄及季节的关系。采用χ~2检验对检测结果进行分析,P<0.05为差异有统计学意义。结果显示,434例过敏性结膜炎患儿总特异性IgE抗体(sIgE)阳性率64.06%(278/434),男性患儿sIgE阳性率65.67%(153/233),女性患儿sIgE阳性率62.19%(125/201),差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。过敏原阳性率依次为为户尘螨/粉尘螨33.18%(144/434),动物毛皮屑23.04%(100/434),鱼虾蟹14.29%(62/434),真菌类11.29%(49/434),牛奶10.60%(46/434),鸡蛋7.60%(33/434)。户尘螨/粉尘螨、动物毛皮屑、鱼虾蟹、真菌类、牛奶和鸡蛋在不同年龄组间的分布差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。婴幼儿组以鱼虾蟹、牛奶和鸡蛋食入性过敏原为主,而学龄前组和学龄组以户尘螨/粉尘螨、动物毛皮屑和真菌吸入性过敏原为主。四个季度的户尘螨/粉尘螨、动物毛皮屑和真菌类过敏原阳性率比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),鱼虾蟹、牛奶和鸡蛋在四个季度间差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。在宁波地区,户尘螨/粉尘螨、动物皮毛屑和鱼虾蟹在儿童过敏性结膜炎的发病中占主导地位,应根据季节年龄分布特点有针对性的检测,预防过敏性过敏性结膜炎发生。
From April 2011 to September 2015, 434 children with allergic conjunctivitis admitted to Ningbo Eye Hospital were enrolled and 434 children were tested for allergen by immunoblotting (IBT). Allergen detection and analysis in children with allergic conjunctivitis in Ningbo, screening common allergens in children with allergic conjunctivitis, analysis of its distribution and the relationship between age and season. The test results were analyzed by χ ~ 2 test, P <0.05 was considered statistically significant. The results showed that the total positive rate of sIgE in 434 children with allergic conjunctivitis was 64.06% (278/434), the positive rate of sIgE in children was 65.67% (153/233) and the positive rate of sIgE in children was 62.19 % (125/201), the difference was not statistically significant (P> 0.05). The positive rates of allergens were 33.18% (144/434) for household dust mites / dust mites, 23.04% (100/434) for animal dander, 14.29% (62/434) for fish and shrimp, 11.29% (49 / 434), milk 10.60% (46/434), eggs 7.60% (33/434). The distribution of house dust mites / dust mites, animal dander, fish and crabs, fungi, milk and eggs in different age groups were significantly different (P <0.05). The infants and young children groups mainly included fish, shrimp and crabs, milk and egg-eating allergens, while the preschool and school-age groups included house dust mites / dust mites, animal dander and fungal inhalation allergens. The positive rates of house dust mites, dust mites, animal dander and fungal allergens were significantly different in four seasons (P <0.05), but there was no significant difference in four quarters between fish and crabs, milk and eggs (P> 0.05). In Ningbo, house dust mites / dust mites, animal fur and fish and shrimp and crab in the incidence of allergic conjunctivitis in children dominate the seasonal distribution of the characteristics should be targeted to detect and prevent allergic conjunctivitis occur.