In mature, low-pressure, low-saturation and low-permeability reservoirs, well drilling and repair procedures for oil wells need to be pre-engineered. At present, bridge technology between reservoirs and mechanical equipment is limited to technical measures of drilling, cementing, completion, workover and oil recovery using drilling fluids. The drilling fluid and its components used are the main bridging technologies to enhance the well’s mechanical work. More importantly, these fluids are the most important contact medium between the reservoir and the outside world and therefore are the most valuable second only to the reservoir itself Factors determining reservoir productivity. The selection of fluids and chemistries depends not only on the physical properties of the rock itself and the reservoir but also on the rock formation and its physical properties exposed during drilling. In summary, the choice of fluids focuses on limiting the ability of the fluid to freely flow into a reservoir fluid, controlling the intrusion of highly fluid fluids, and optimizing the surface tension between fluid and gas associated with rock and intrusions and inhalation. The use of sparingly soluble technology to control the negative effects of interaction between each other and reduce the discharge pressure of the mud cake, reduce the backflow of inhaled and invaded fluids during drilling and completion, and reduce the phase capture. In the workover process, the use of slightly soluble technology improves the working efficiency of the replenishment fluid and tends to idealize the hydrocarbon permeability of the reservoir and increase the oil production potential of the reservoir.