1927年的克里米亚大地震期间,发生了一种不可思议的奇特现象——大海起火了。火焰直冲云天,海面出现一座高达数百米的火焰山。人们很久以来都认为,硫化氢引发了这场火灾,但后来认定,这种气体在深水中的含量极少,并不具备那么强的爆炸力。 近百年来,黑海一直是科学考察的对象。对它的科学实验工作不计其数,但不解之谜依然比比皆是。一个谜中之谜就是天然气水合物,俗称可燃冰。这种物质在低温和40多个大气压下才是稳定的。可燃冰拿到水面立即融化,同时甲烷开始燃烧。 如果能将可燃冰从海底开采出来并运到地
During the Crimean earthquake of 1927, an incredible strange phenomenon took place - the sea was on fire. Flames straight into the sky, the sea appeared a few hundred meters up Flaming Mountain. It has long been believed that hydrogen sulfide caused the fire, but later it was determined that the gas contained only very little amount in deep water and did not possess that explosive force. For nearly a hundred years, the Black Sea has always been the object of scientific investigation. There are countless scientific experiments on it, but mysteries of mysteries are still abound. A mystery is the natural gas hydrate, commonly known as combustible ice. This material is stable at low temperatures and over 40 atmospheres. The combustible ice melts immediately and the methane begins to burn. If you can combustible ice from the sea bottom out and shipped to the ground