Make Friends with Parents

来源 :中学生英语·九年级 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:albeewang
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  As is known to us, parents are the closest people to us in the world and they will do anything for us. But many of us cannot get on well with our parents, because we feel that our parents are not interested in those topics that we are interested in. And we cannot understand each other. But we will be much happier if we make friends with our parents. Here is some good advice on how to talk with them:
  1. Find a good chance to talk with them, for example, when you’re eating dinner, going out for a walk or watching TV.
  2. Try to start talking about something fun. This will make it easier.
  3. Make it clear what you want to tell your parents. If they have an opinion, let them finish it and don’t stop their talking.
  4. Show them respect by listening to them carefully. Look them in the eye.
  5. Tell them something you are interested in. For example, tell them the interesting things in our school.
  6. Ask them about their lives when they were young. They love to talk about that.
  7. Be honest. Honesty builds trust. Life is good when your parents trust you.
  8. If your parents don’t understand you, that’s OK. It doesn’t mean they don’t love you. Sometimes you have to explain the things to them again.
  9. When you finish the talk, thank them for listening.
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