山茶花四月萌发新芽,夏初开始现蕾,至八月花营逐渐膨大。此时如莳养不当,对山茶花的生长及冬春的开花都将产生不良影响。因此,夏秋季节的养护管理工作特别重要。下面着重谈三点供大家参考。 1.浇水:夏秋季节,气候炎热,光照强烈,雨量减少,空气显得干燥。此时盆土一旦失水,轻则影响植株生长,重则死亡。在这期间,盆土要保持湿润。浇水要视气候
Camellia germination sprouts in April, early summer began to bud, flower camp gradually expanded in August. At this point such as improper cultivation, the growth of Camellia and the flowering of winter and spring will have a negative impact. Therefore, the summer and autumn conservation management is particularly important. The following focuses on three points for your reference. 1. Watering: summer and autumn, the climate is hot, intense light, rainfall decreases, the air appears dry. At this time basin soil once water, ranging from the impact of plant growth, heavy death. During this period, peat soil should be kept moist. Watering depends on the climate