一个世纪以前,有个叫希尔顿的英国人写了一本《消失的地平线》,他将中国滇西北的原始山林描绘为人间仙境,引得许多西方人纷纷奔中国云南而去寻找那个令人神往的地方。那里后来被证实就是今天的香格里拉,藏语的意思是“世外桃源”,现已闻名遐迩。 如今,在莽莽秦岭深处,有个鲜为人知的小镇名叫厚畛子。它位于太白山东麓,108国道西侧,陕西省周至县的南端。厚畛子的地理位置很特殊,太白山国家级自然保护区、周至金丝猴自然保护区、周至老县城大熊
A century ago, a British man named Hilton wrote a “Vanishing Horizon,” depicting the primitive mountain forests in northwestern Yunnan as a paradise for human beings. Many Westerners have been rushing toward Yunnan in China to look for the most enchanting local. It later proved to be today’s Shangri-La, meaning Tibetan is “paradise”, now famous. Today, in the depths of the vast Qinling Mountains, there is a little-known township named thick prickly heat. It is located in the eastern foot of Taibai Mountain, west of State Road 108, the southern tip of Zhouzhi County in Shaanxi Province. Thick raccoon is very special geographical location, Taibai Mountain National Nature Reserve, Golden Week Monkey Nature Reserve, weeks to the Old Town Big Bear