Since its own science, interdisciplinary interdisciplinary, sparks generated by the collision is one of the driving forces of scientific development, but also a hotbed of many innovative scientific arguments and methods. In fact, a series of major scientific theories, research projects, and engineering techniques are all interdisciplinary systems of different aspects and levels. Interdisciplinary has formed a large number of “mature” interdisciplinary, such as: physical chemistry, biochemistry, biophysics, ecology, etc .; and will gradually form an important interdisciplinary. These interdisciplinary subjects have greatly promoted scientific progress. In particular, with the development trend of modern “big sciences”, the “pure” scientific problems without interdisciplinary science can hardly be found. However, on the other hand, the “protection” or “barrier” doctrine of traditional disciplines, in turn, intentionally or unintentionally emphasizes “pure” disciplines and excludes the infiltration and involvement of other disciplines, thereby detrimental to the development of science. In the National Natural Science Foundation of China,