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近人治文学史者,颇循清儒焦里堂“一代还其一代之所胜”之论,诗尊唐,词标宋,曲崇元,推而广之,旧所斥为小道之小说戏剧,遂亦得与诗古文辞比肩文苑,此王静安《宋元戏曲考》之所由作也。然若误解其说,以为文学之发展悉显示于文体之变迁,以文学发展史等同于文体变迁史,甚或以为唐后无诗,宋后无词,元后无曲,举宋以来之诗、元以来之词、明以来之曲悉屏诸诗史之外,如某二氏所著书者,则不谓为昧于文学 The history of the recent history of human rights literature, quite follow the Confucianism Juridang Church “generation is also the victory of his generation,” the theory of poetry respect Tang, the word Song, Qu Chong Yuan, wide and the old denounced as the path Fiction drama, then have poetry and classical poetry shoulder Wenyuan, this Wang Jingan “Song and Yuan opera test,” the reason is also made. However, if we misunderstood it, we think that the development of literature is manifested in the change of style. The history of the development of literature is equivalent to the history of style change. It even assumes that there are no poems after the Tang Dynasty, no words after the Song Dynasty, no poems after the Song Dynasty, Since the Yuan Dynasty, the song since the Ming Shui Pingshui history of poetry, such as a Book writer, is not ignorant of literature